
If you have lived in your home for years, you may have gone through one if not several HVAC contractors who didn’t do their jobs as well as they could have. Since you’ll essentially be starting over in your search for the right heating contractor, there are numerous questions you can ask to make the process easier. Keep these questions in mind when you are interviewing potential contractors to form a working relationship that lasts as long as you own your home.

Top 5 Questions to Ask a Potential Heating Contractor

1. Are You Licensed & Insured?

Ask for proof of the contractor’s license to work in your region or state, as well as proof of insurance. Licensed HVAC contractors have passed rigorous exams to install, repair, and replace heating and cooling equipment, and may take continuing education classes depending on where they obtained their licenses. Insurance protects you from paying for damages to your home or injuries workers sustain on the job.

2. How Long Have You Been in Business?

heating contractorLearn how many years the heating contractor has served the community. It is generally best to work with a contractor who has at least five years of industry experience. Such contractors have likely worked on a wide range of heating systems, including furnaces and heat pumps, to provide you with highly specific services. Years of experience also indicates reliability and customer trust.

3. Do You Use Subcontractors?

Your prospective heating contractor may be licensed and insured, but what about the subcontractors? If the company in question uses subcontractors, inquire if they are also licensed and insured. Some companies may hire unlicensed subcontractors to cut costs.

4. Can I Expect a Written Estimate & Warranty?

Talk to potential heating contractors about written estimates and warranties. If you need a new heating system installed, for example, your contractor should provide a written estimate detailing the cost of the system itself as well as the labor, how long the project will probably take, and any other relevant factors. And while your heating system will come with a manufacturer warranty, you should also ask if your contractor offers warranties on labor. If not, learn if the work will be guaranteed.

5. What Brands Do You Work With?

Reputable heating contractors often have ongoing relationships with top manufacturers to provide their customers with quality services for less. They may also make a point of always using the best brands. If you have not heard of the brands your heating contractor mentions, do a little research before reaching your final decision.


If you live in the Circleville, OH, area and require work from talented and reliable heating contractors, contact All Star Heating & Air Conditioning Services. Available 24/7, this company specializes in furnace installation, heat pump repair, and air duct cleaning among many other valuable services that contribute to a functional residence. Call (740) 477-8778 today to make an appointment today or visit the team online for service information. Like their Facebook page for more HVAC tips.
