
Buying your first house is an exciting experience, with endless possibilities of how to transform it into a comfortable home. If you’ve bought an older building, the overall condition of the structure shouldn’t be ignored. Foundation repair, for example, should be handled immediately. Otherwise, damage could lead to problems opening doors, gaps around window frames, and other issues that compromise home security and safety. Signs of foundation trouble can be subtle, which is why you should look out for the following symptoms. 

How to Know Your Home’s Foundation Needs Repair

1. Trim Pulls Away From Floors

Because the moisture content in soil is constantly changing, home settlement can occur. The earth swells when damp and shrinks when dry, causing the foundation to move with it. The constant activity could cause the baseboard trim to pull away from floors. The gaps will only get worse if the foundation isn’t restabilized.  

2. Uneven Floors

While checking the baseboard trim for gaps, also take a closer look at the condition of floors. If the surfaces seem to slope or sag, issues with the foundation could be to blame, too. The piers or beams holding the foundation in place could be damaged, causing the uneven level inside. Squeaking noises when you walk on the floor could also indicate it’s sagging and foundation repair is needed. 

3. Cracks in Walls & Ceilings

foundation repairIt’s common to see hairline cracks in exterior and basement walls, as it indicates the house has settled. However, larger horizontal fractures should be cause for concern. If there are underlying issues with the foundation, the strain of bearing the weight of the house could cause the cracks. As the quality of the foundation and supports impact the structural integrity of every aspect of the house, ceiling cracks could also point to a problem. 


If you suspect a faulty foundation is the cause of structural problems inside your house, reach out to the foundation repair specialists at Bessemer, AL-based Aardwolf Termite & Pest Control. As gaps and cracks in the home infrastructure can let in moisture and insects, the team also offers mold remediation and pest control solutions to keep your space safe for the family and prevent further damage. To schedule foundation repair or additional services in Jefferson County, call (205) 338-6615. Visit the company online to see how they will care for your investment and Facebook to read client feedback. 
