
The New Year is right around the corner, and with it often comes a raft of resolutions about weight loss, eating right, and exercise. This year, consider making a different type of resolution — one that will help you avoid emergency calls to the plumber. Here are a few preventative tips to follow so your plumbing system stays in shape all year long. 

Plumbing Resolutions for 2019

1. Watch What You Flush

Toilet clogs are among the most unpleasant household mishaps. You can often avoid the worst of these by being careful with what you flush. Avoid putting anything into your toilet aside from human waste and toilet paper. This includes feminine hygiene products and baby wipes — even wipes that are labeled "flushable." These items are often non-biodegradable and can lead to stubborn clogs, nasty messes, and emergency calls to the plumber.

2. Be Gentle With Your Garbage Disposal

Your garbage disposal may be a workhorse, but it can only deal with certain wastes. For instance, avoid putting stringy, fibrous foods down there, such as celery stalks, corn husks, and banana peels. These can wrap around the blade base and cause a jam. Other foods to avoid include egg shells, coffee grounds, and grease. 

3. Repair That Leaky Faucet

plumber in Rochester, NYLeaks inevitably worsen, and in the meantime, the water and sewage costs you incur are wasted funds. A leaky faucet often only requires a new rubber washer, something you may be able to complete on your own. If the problem doesn’t go away, call an experienced plumber for a fast, efficient fix.

4. Schedule Regular Maintenance

You can prolong your plumbing system’s life span by scheduling yearly maintenance. A plumber will drain the tank of your water heater and remove any sediment from the bottom — which could be insulating the water from the flame and causing your appliance to work harder than necessary. Next, they'll check the sacrificial anode rod, which attracts corrosive elements in the water and prevents your tank liner from corroding. A professional plumbing service will also perform pressure testing and sewer and drain cleaning to ensure all parts of your system are running smoothly and efficiently. 

This year, don’t let your resolution fall by the wayside. To schedule water heater maintenance, have a leak fixed, or unstop a clogged drain, contact the plumbers at Empire Heating & Air Conditioning in Rochester, NY. They've been serving Monroe County for 50 years and offer 24/7 emergency service, ensuring you can get help day or night. They also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all installations and plumbing repairs. Visit their website to read customer reviews or call (585) 458-5480 to schedule service with an experienced plumber today. 
