
If you experience an occasional toothache or twinge when you’re out in the winter weather, the discomfort may not be due to a cavity or other oral health problem. Often, people will experience increased tooth sensitivity when they are exposed to cold temperatures. But why does this occur and what can be done to address it? To help you maintain a comfortable smile all season long, here are a few common reasons for tooth sensitivity in the winter and what a dentist can do to offer relief.  

How Does Cold Weather Trigger Tooth Sensitivity?

Enamel wear is usually the cause behind tooth sensitivity. This issue develops over time as the outermost layer of the tooth erodes away due to grinding, brushing with hard bristles, dry mouth, the use of specific medications, or excessive exposure to acidic foods and beverages such as soda.

When enamel wears away, the sensitive underlayer — known as dentin — can become exposed. Due to its proximity to dental nerves, exposed dentin can cause varying levels of discomfort if it comes in contact with certain elements like sugary sweets, hot beverages, and cold winter weather.

In other cases, abrupt changes in temperature can cause teeth to expand and contract slightly. While this expansion process shouldn’t cause long-term damage, it can place temporary pressure on nerves that contribute to sensitivity. Expansion and contraction might also irritate dental fillings and cause momentary discomfort.

What Should You Do If You Have Tooth Sensitivity?

dentistIf you experience reoccurring tooth sensitivity, visit a dentist as soon as possible. Using advanced diagnostic tools, your provider will be able to determine whether a cavity, root canal infection, or enamel wear is causing tooth pain.

Should sensitivity be to blame for your cold-weather discomfort, your dentist can offer a wide range of solutions to prevent flare-ups. In many cases, professionals will apply a special varnish or recommend using a desensitizing toothpaste to inhibit nerve activity in teeth. 


When winter has your teeth feeling sensitive, Pfeiffer Family Dentistry is equipped to shield your smile from pain. Serving patients in Campbell County, KY, this local dentist will perform a comfortable exam to pinpoint the source of your symptoms and determine which treatment solutions will provide relief. Whether you’re in need of desensitizing treatment or oral surgery, you can count on this friendly team to deliver care that keeps discomfort to a minimum. Visit this clinic online to learn more about their capabilities or call (859) 441-1900 to schedule a convenient appointment at their Fort Thomas, KY location.
