
With winter in full swing and temperatures continuing to drop, homeowners and businesses are looking for ways to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures without breaking the bank. While completely turning off your heating system isn’t a safe or reasonable option, there are ways to maintain efficiency. Consider embracing the habits below to ensure your HVAC unit is energy efficient and properly supported this season. 

4 Heating System Efficiency Tips to Follow This Winter

1. Change Filters & Clean Vents

The change in seasons is the perfect reminder to swap air filters and clean your vents. This task will protect you from breathing in dust and debris, and will help your heating system run smoothly so it can provide heat in a timely manner. 

2. Schedule an Inspection With Your HVAC Contractor

Heating SystemScheduling an annual inspection with a trusted HVAC repair company is a must if you want your heating system to stay energy efficient and run smoothly. A trained technician can evaluate every element of your unit and fix minor issues before they become big problems. This will save you the headache of an expensive breakdown, just when you need your heating system most. 

3. Insulate Your Home

Cold drafts and lack of insulation can push your heating system to work even harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. Mediate this problem by placing towels or protective seals at the bottom of exterior doors. If certain rooms in your home aren’t used, closed those doors and their respective heating vents. Consider using heavier curtains in the winter as well to create another barrier from the cold.

4. Adjust Thermostat 

Stay vigilant when it comes to temperature control. Before turning in for the night, lower your thermostat 10 to 15 degrees and consider doing the same when the house is empty. By giving your heating system a break based on your habits and sleep routine, you can save 10% per year on your utility bill


Keep your home warm and comfortable this winter with the help of Malone Heating & Air. The trusted HVAC installation and repair company has been serving residential and commercial customers throughout greater Chattanooga, TN, and northern Georgia since 1980. If you’re looking for an experienced, reliable team that focuses on quality craftsmanship and friendly service, call today at (706) 259-9333 to schedule an inspection of your heating system. For more information on their comprehensive services, including emergency repair, visit their website
