
Running is great for both physical and mental health. However, with all of its benefits, it can also damage your teeth. Fortunately, by scheduling regular teeth cleanings and adopting a few healthy habits, you can maintain a luminous smile. Here are a few common dental problems that runners encounter and how to combat them. 

What Does Running Do to Your Teeth? 

1. Heavy Breathing Causes Dry Mouth

Rapid breathing while running can lead to dry mouth, which will decrease saliva production. Saliva washes away bacteria and plaque, and a lack of it can make you more prone to cavities and gum disease. You can combat dry mouth by drinking plenty of water during a run. If it’s an ongoing issue, talk with your dentist at your next teeth cleaning about other remedies. 

2. Sugary Sports Drinks Cause Decay

teeth cleaningMany popular sports drinks contain an excessive amount of sugar, which gives you energy while running but isn’t great for your smile. Harmful bacteria feed on sugar, creating acids that erode tooth enamel. This makes your teeth more prone to cavities. Along with regular teeth cleanings, you should rinse after consuming sports drinks to wash away residual acids and sugars.  

3. Opening Items With Teeth Causes Damage

When you’re on-the-go, you may open bottles and other items with your teeth. While convenient, this habit will cause damage over time. Although enamel is tough, it’s prone to cracking and chipping, especially as it’s degraded. The best advice, in this case, is to only use your teeth for chewing, no matter what activity you’re doing. If you’re prone to teeth grinding while running, you can ask your dentist about getting a mouthguard.


Waterford Dental Health in Waterford, CT, wants you to enjoy running without worrying about dental issues. That’s why this skilled and caring staff will identify your specific dental needs to determine a reasonable solution. If you’re unhappy with the look of your smile, these cosmetic dentists may recommend veneers or crowns, which can remedy imperfections. They also perform teeth whitening to restore the brightness of your smile. No matter what type of treatment you receive, they offer a sedation option so you’re comfortable throughout. Schedule a teeth cleaning today by calling (860) 447-2235. To browse a complete list of services, visit them online.
