
With the development of mammogram technology, the U.S. death rate from breast cancer has dropped by 43% as of 2015. The American College of Radiology (ACR) and Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) recommend that generally, women should start undergoing mammograms at age 40 and women in high-risk categories, including African-Americans, should be screened at age 30. Here’s what you should know when you’re preparing for your breast care exam.

A Guide to Mammograms

1. Mammograms Have Minimal Radiation Risks

Mammograms are low-dose X-rays and radiation exposure is brief. The benefits of detecting pre-cancerous or cancerous cells are much greater than any possible risk of harm from radiation. 

2.  Don’t Wear Deodorant to Your Breast Care Exam

mammogramSpots from your deodorant can look like calcifications on your mammogram films and might be mistaken for early signs of breast cancer. Skip your deodorant on your mammogram exam day.

3. Dress in a Two-Piece Outfit for Your Appointment

You have to remove your top for the mammogram. Wearing a front-button top and pants or a skirt makes it easier for you to disrobe for your breast care exam.

4. Your Family History Matters

Women in high-risk categories should get screened earlier. If a sister or mother had breast cancer in their mid-40s, you should start screening in your mid-30s. Annual screenings of all women save lives. 


Having a mammogram is a vital part of women's health care, and women in the Lincoln, NE, area turn to the medical professionals at Women's Clinic of Lincoln, P.C. for their exams. Offering state-of-the-art care for women of all ages, these dedicated gynecologists will help you maintain good health in every stage of your life. To learn more about these dynamic and compassionate medical team members, visit their website now or call (402) 434-3370 to make your appointment.
