
Every family has TVs, lamps, laptops, and other electronics, but not all houses have outlets where you want them. Extension cords can be a safe and easy way to get electricity where it’s needed, but they can also be extremely dangerous, causing over 3,000 fires per year. Here are some tips from professional electricians for using an extension cord safely, preventing overheating and potentially deadly fires.

Using Extension Cords Safely

Make Sure You’re Using the Right Cord

electricianExtension cords might be essential for powering holiday lights and outdoor fixtures, but check to ensure it’s designed for that particular application. Indoor extension cords aren’t insulated against the elements, so using them outside can cause dangerous shorts, posing an electrocution or fire hazard.

Don’t Use Them as a Permanent Solution

While extension cords are ideal for solving a temporary problem, most aren’t designed for long-term, continuous usage. If you really need more power in a certain area, having an electrician install a new outlet is the safest, most convenient solution.

Don’t Overload the Cord

Pulling more power through the cord than it was designed to handle can cause it to overheat, starting a fire without warning. Don’t plug too many appliances into one extension, and never string cords together to reach a distant area.

Throw Away Damaged Cords

If an extension cord is frayed, missing parts, or gets hot to the touch, toss it out and get a new one immediately. Damaged safety features, loose wires, or missing insulation can allow the cord to overheat or short out, so buying a new cord is a worthwhile investment.

Whether you need a few new power outlets or a whole house rewired, Zelek Electric Co. offers the professional expertise and wide range of services you need. Their electricians have been serving homeowners throughout Connecticut for over 33 years, providing excellent results on small jobs and big projects alike. Visit their website for more on their services, follow their Twitter for more tips and advice, or call (860) 434-9726 to speak with an electrician and request a quote.
