
As doctors who specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, chiropractors can treat a wide range of issues affecting joints, muscles, and other internal tissues. But unlike other forms of medicine, chiropractic care is unique in that it is non-invasive and can deliver effective results without the need for surgery or potentially dangerous medications. If you’re wondering how these specialists might be able to boost your health and wellness, here are a few common health issues that chiropractors can treat.

5 Health Issues That Benefit From Chiropractic Care

1. Pinched Nerve

Although nerves may be small, they can sometimes become pinched when joints shift and exert pressure on them. When this happens, the nerves can send a variety of faulty signals to the brain, such as those that cause pain, tingling, or numbness. By manipulating joints through gentle adjustment, chiropractors can release this pressure and restore nerves so that they can function properly.

2. Whiplash

chiropractorWhiplash is a neck injury that occurs when the head is snapped back-and-forth in an abrupt fashion—usually during a car accident. While it can take time for symptoms such as neck pain and immobility to develop, it’s important to visit a chiropractor immediately after an accident. Through extensive evaluation, these doctors can determine if you have whiplash and treat it before the auto injury causes lasting damage and more severe pain.

3. Stress

Stress and muscle tension are closely related in that these issues usually occur at the same time. To prevent this tension from causing pain and interrupting your sleep quality, you can visit a chiropractor who can perform massage, adjustment, or hot/cold therapy to relax muscle tissues and promote stress relief.

4. High Blood Pressure

Research suggests that chiropractic adjustment is associated with better regulation of high blood pressure levels. While the link is still unclear, improved nerve function from chiropractic adjustment may help enhance the body’s self-regulatory abilities—including blood pressure control.

5. Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a specific type of spinal deformity that can contribute to back pain, poor posture, and other issues. Although surgery and back brace use may sometimes be recommended, chiropractic care may be an alternative treatment option for many patients. Through regular adjustment sessions, chiropractors can help gently realign vertebrae so that they eventually support the natural curve of the spine.


Are you looking for a more holistic way to manage your health? If so, the team at Augustine Chiropractic can help. Backed by more than three decades of experience, Dr. Brian Augustine is an experienced Pasco County chiropractor who can provide a variety of non-invasive treatments to address everything from back pain to poor mobility.  Whether you’re in need of adjustment or physical therapy, you can count on this provider to develop a customized treatment plan designed to safely and effectively improve your symptoms in a comfortable, stress-free setting. Visit this West Chapel, FL, clinic online to learn more or call (813) 994-6008 to schedule a consultation.     
