
When a pipe starts leaking, it can cause issues ranging from a few intermittent drips to a deluge of water filling your home. However, by recognizing the causes of leaky pipes, you can contact a plumber early and fend off disaster. Here are four of the most common causes of leaky pipes. 

Reasons Pipes Start to Leak

1. High Water Pressure

When the incoming water pressure into your home exceeds a certain level, it can increase the pressure inside of your plumbing lines, leading to issues like pinhole leaks and burst pipes. To stay on the safe side, have your plumber check the water pressure in your home, and add a pressure regulator to your main line if the water pressure exceeds 60 psi

2. Clogged Lines

While a clog or two might not seem like an urgent threat to your pipes, over time, clogs can increase the pressure behind the blockage, which can lead to structural integrity damage. Clogs can also increase the use of liquid drain cleaners and physical removal methods, which can damage the inner linings of pipes and cause failure. Prevent clogs from forming in your home’s plumbing lines by installing hair traps and being careful about what you let flow down the drain. 

3. Shifted Joinery plumber

Growing tree roots, flooding, building settling, and even small earthquakes can shift the placement of pipes, which can eventually separate joinery and lead to leaks. Contact your plumber if you notice slow draining or problems with your water supply, since shifted joinery could be the cause. 

4. Corrosion

Every building component has a usable lifespan, and pipes are no different. Plumbers explain that, while brass pipes can last as long as 70 years, galvanized steel pipes can start to fail at around 20 years. If your home is older and you develop leaks in your pipes, it might be time for a plumbing upgrade. 


Whether you have a leaky pipe in your home or you are concerned about the quality of your water, the plumbers at Carolina Plumbing & Water Systems, LLC can help you to make things right. Locally owned and operated since 1984, this dedicated team of professional plumbers can help with everything from emergency plumbing repairs and pool maintenance to free water testing. Schedule service today by sending them a note online, or by calling their Mebane, NC, office at (919) 563-3709. 
