
If you’re facing a costly heating repair, you may be wondering if it’s better to replace your furnace instead. While replacements aren’t cheap, repairs may still not be the best option. There are standard signs to help you determine if your furnace has reached the end of its life. Weighing these options around your situation will ensure you make the best decision for the long term.

Furnace Repair vs. Replacement

When to Repair

heating repairFirst, you’ll need a heating repair professional to take a look at your furnace to determine the issue. If the unit is less than 10 years old, most issues that can occur are typically cost-effective to resolve. Minor breakdowns can cause hiccups, but overall, if it’s efficiently warming up your home, a heating repair is all that’s needed. As long as the repair costs don’t exceed one-third of the initial price of the furnace, it’s more cost-effective to stick with repairs. During your inspection, an HVAC professional can provide further advice based on the type and extent of repairs needed.

When to Replace

If the furnace breaks down often, it indicates a more serious issue. Furnaces typically last between 15 and 20 years, and if you’re nearing the end, it’s most cost-effective to purchase a new unit compared to regularly paying for heating repair and skyrocketing utility bills. Undersized furnaces can also lead to inefficiency, so even if it’s in decent working order, you may want to consider an upgrade anyway. You’ll be increasing the value of your home and will also enjoy quality, reliable heating service.



Whether you’re considering a heating repair or furnace replacement, turn to the professionals at Daryl’s Heating & Air. Located in Taney County, MO, they have provided comprehensive HVAC maintenance services and since 1975. You can visit their website to explore all of their heating and cooling services. To schedule an inspection, call (417) 335-2658.
