
While you may not enjoy paying the monthly premium, insurance is there for you when it is needed most—after an unfortunate car accident, when a tree branch falls into the second-floor window, or when your child's temperature is too high. And because it plays such a large role in keeping your family and its finances protected, you want to make sure that your coverage is the most comprehensive and cost-effective available. The guide below lists some aspects to consider when buying or updating a policy.


Update the insurance annually to reflect life changes. 

While it is common for consumers to stick with the same insurance policies year after year, take a minute to consider how circumstances have changed in that time. If you've added a new addition to the house, for example, your current coverage may not be sufficient to replace or rebuild it after a disaster. A couple who have recently gotten married or had a child should also consider life insurance, to help take care of their loved ones should they pass. 

Ask about discounts.

Certain carriers will offer premium discounts based on your achievements and previous claims history. For instance, a driver with an impeccable record, past military service, or high grades might qualify for lower monthly rates. Additionally, by bundling auto, home, and life insurance with the same carrier, it might make each less expensive.


Skimp on coverage.

insuranceBe sure to have enough coverage to provide for your needs, should you have to file a claim. For example, when selecting car insurance, consider not only the cost of fixing your own car but that of the other driver's should you be found at fault. 

Forget about the deductible.

Most insurance companies require you to pay a certain amount out-of-pocket before they will step in to cover the remaining costs. If it seems unlikely you would have this amount of money available in the event of an accident, switch to a policy that is more reasonable, even if the monthly premium is slightly higher.


When shopping for insurance, turn to the qualified team at Robert Rung Insurance in Lincoln, Nebraska. Offering comprehensive policies, from life to auto to homeowners, trust that they have you and your loved ones covered. Visit their website for a full list of offerings. Then call them today at (402) 483-2279 to schedule an appointment. 
