
Even if your baby doesn’t have teeth yet, it’s never too early to care for their oral health. By finding the right children’s dentist and properly cleaning their mouth, you can set your child up for a lifetime of dental wellness. This guide will provide some basic ways to keep your baby’s gums and first teeth healthy.


Learn the signs of teething. 

While every child develops differently, most babies will have their first tooth between six months and one year. Their full set of primary teeth will likely come in by the time they are three. Before their first tooth emerges, your little one will start teething. Babies who are teething are usually more fussy than usual and can lose their appetite. They may also not sleep well and drool often.

Clean the gums. 

You won’t need to use a toothbrush or toothpaste until your baby’s first teeth start emerging, but you should still carefully clean their gums. Dampen a soft washcloth and wrap it around a finger, then rub the surface of your baby’s gums to remove any debris or bacteria. 

Watch for their first tooth.

chilrens dentistWhen you see your child’s first tooth, you will need to change their oral hygiene routine. Make an appointment with a children’s dentist to learn how to properly brush your baby’s teeth. Most dentists will recommend using a rice-sized dab of children’s toothpaste and a soft toothbrush to gently clean the teeth and gums. 


Spread bacteria. 

Babies and toddlers are still susceptible to decay, and parents often unknowingly spread cavity-causing bacteria to their little ones. Refrain from sharing utensils with your baby during meals. Instead of cleaning their bottle or pacifier with your mouth, rinse it in the sink instead. 

Put your baby to bed with a bottle.

Putting your baby to bed with a bottle of milk or juice increases their risk for cavities because of prolonged exposure to the sugars in these drinks. If you are having trouble getting your baby to sleep otherwise, find ways to change up their bedtime routine. A children’s dentist may recommend using a dummy bottle or other techniques to soothe your baby.

Wait to schedule dental appointments. 

Even if your child’s first tooth hasn’t yet emerged, take them to their first dentist appointment before they turn one. This first visit will get your baby used to the office and allow them to establish a relationship with the dentist. You can also ask the dentist any questions you may have about how to care for your baby’s first teeth.


When scheduling your baby’s first dental appointment, find a dentist you can trust. Pediatric Dental Group has served families in Honolulu, HI, for more than 50 years. These experienced children’s dentists are trained to make young patients feel at ease, so kids can develop lifetime oral hygiene habits. Learn what to expect from your child’s first visit on their website. You can also call (808) 593-8829 to make an appointment today.
