
Some people brush off fixing cracks in their car windows and windshield, not realizing that these seemingly minor problems cause the glass to weaken and shatter over time. To avoid the dangers of these cracks, take your car to an auto glass installation company to assess the extent of damage and make necessary repairs or replacement.

5 FAQ About Auto Glass Installation

Do you offer mobile repair service?

Many auto glass installation companies provide on-location repair and installation services — often free of charge. Their team of technicians will come to your place to complete the work, so you don’t have to bring your vehicle to the shop, especially if your car is not roadworthy.

How long does it take to fix?

auto glass installationDepending on the repairs to be done and the extent of damage, the process normally takes 60 minutes or less. Bear in mind that repair time is sometimes affected by weather conditions and temperature.

How soon can I drive the car after repair?

To ensure that it’s safe to drive your vehicle after service is completed, most installers will tell you to wait it out for an hour or so. The resin used on your glass typically dries within one to three hours, while the adhesives or glue from auto glass installation can dry in as little as an hour. If you want to wash your car, wait for at least 24 hours before doing so to be on the safe side.

How much will it cost?

Costs for auto glass repairs tend to differ by location, service provider, damage, materials used, and vehicle model. Most installations will cost a few hundred dollars, though. Try to get quotes from at least three service providers for comparison. But, if you have insurance coverage, your provider will pay for nearly everything—as long as you follow the claims procedure and understand the inclusions.

Is there a warranty on repairs?

Most auto glass installation companies offer guarantees on workmanship, but warranties on materials largely depend on the manufacturer. Installers can sometimes redo the repair, especially if you strictly followed their instructions but the glass still ran into some problems.


Don’t let chips, cracks, and problems overstay their welcome on your windows and windshields. Have them fixed by the auto glass installation professionals at Heinrich Collision in Hilton, NY. Serving customers throughout Monroe County for over 60 years, they also offer outstanding collision repair and reliable 24/7 towing services. Call (585) 392-7800 or send them a message online.
