
While getting sick can be inconvenient, ignoring your symptoms may only make the problem worse—especially in the winter when cold and flu bugs run rampant. Fortunately, many non-life-threatening conditions can be treated comfortably and effectively at a minor care center—a specific type of health clinic that specializes in rapid, walk-in treatment for non-emergency issues. Here are a few indications you might benefit from going.

5 Signs You Should Visit an Minor Care Clinic

1. A Cough or Sore Throat

If you find it difficult to swallow, your coughing worsens, or you have discoloration around your throat, consider visiting a minor care center. Using rapid lab testing services, these clinics can determine the cause of your symptoms—such as a viral or bacterial infection. In the latter case, antibiotics may be prescribed to eliminate the issue.

2. High, Persistent Fever

urgent careFevers are typically just a sign that your immune system is hard at work fighting off an infection or another type of health problem. But if your temperature surpasses 103° F or remains high for three days, talk to a provider. These professionals will determine if your fever is related to an underlying infection, and if necessary, take the proper steps to stop it from spreading.

3. Flu Symptoms

In healthy individuals, flu symptoms—including congestion, fatigue, and body aches—will typically disappear with rest and over-the-counter medication. Those with compromised immune systems, on the other hand, are at risk of developing flu-related complications—such as pneumonia. If your health is vulnerable, a minor care provider can prescribe antivirals that reduce the severity and duration of the symptoms. The clinics also offer yearly flu shots.

4. Physical Injury

Whether you’re suffering from a minor burn, sprain, fracture, or cut, these professionals can clean, suture, dress, and splint all minor to moderate injuries to promote proper healing.

5. Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when your body loses too many vital fluids—usually through excessive perspiration, diarrhea, vomiting, or low intake of water. While this condition can cause a wide variety of severe health issues, it can easily be treated in its early stages with the help of a minor care team. An infusion of IV fluids can get you back on your feet quickly and feeling better by the time it is completed!


If you’re experiencing a minor illness or injury and need seen quickly, turn to  Access Health Clinic for comprehensive minor care in Harris County, TX. Owned and operated by board-certified Nurse Practitioners, this Spring, TX, health clinic is equipped to treat minor injuries and illnesses, as well as perform STD testing, provide immunizations, and conduct sports physicals. To learn more about how this walk-in clinic can boost your health in a fast, convenient, and affordable fashion, visit their website. For questions, call (281) 251-8700.  
