
Come January 1st, all of the buzz seems to be about the best ways to lose weight and how to do it fast. But, why wait? No, in fact start now! Whatever day it is and whatever weight you are at…. just start. Keep in mind that healthy eating takes practice. Real life situations are where you need to put yourself. Practice going through the drive thru and making a healthy choice. Practice saying “no thanks”  for dessert. These should be your New Year’s Resolutions to shoot for. No unrealistic plans with foods you’ve never tried. Instead, try incorporating one new recipe a week or bring a healthy lunch to work each day.  These are plans.  Make plans, not resolutions for 2019!

Shift your focus to make “plans” more FUN perhaps. Make plans to run or walk a 5K.  Make plans to walk at a nearby park two days a week. Make plans to get your kids in the kitchen learning how to prepare a meal.  

Lastly, it’s really not about how to lose weight fast to kick off your New Year. In fact, it’s about building a better foundation of how you manage food, relate to food, and enjoy food. Lean more about yourself and what you need to be successful. 

If you would like to learn more about the support we offer in our Weight Loss Programs call us today at our Lincoln (402) 483-4770 or Omaha (402) 399-9386 clinic, or visit our website at
