
Most homeowners don’t give much thought to their furnace until it’s time to turn up the thermostat. Now that winter has arrived, it’s important to be proactive, so you can avoid costly furnace repairs. Here are a few maintenance tips to ensure your heating unit operates at peak condition all season long.  

How to Prepare Your Furnace for the Winter

1. Replace the Filter

Dirty filters contaminate airflow and reduce the efficiency of your furnace. Inspect the filters at least once a month; if they are clogged with dirt and debris, replace them. This will prevent your bills from skyrocketing and prolong the life span of your unit.  

2. Program the Thermostat

furnace repairSet your thermostat to the desired indoor temperature, and consider purchasing a programmable option. This can reduce your heating costs by lowering the temperature during specific times, such as during the day when you are at work and at night when you’re sleeping.  

3. Unblock the Vents

Clogged vents prevent air from circulating around your home. As a result, the furnace wastes more energy to reach the set temperature. Remove any items blocking the vents and ensure they are free from dirt and debris.

4. Schedule an Inspection

Always schedule an inspection with a licensed HVAC technician before winter begins. They will clean and lubricate the moving components and identify and replace worn parts. A technician will also answer questions you have about your furnace and provide valuable advice about setting the thermostat and maintaining your system.


If you need furnace repairs for your HVAC system this winter, turn to the team at Ogeechee Heating & Air in Claxton, GA. For over 35 years, the licensed contractors have provided a wide variety of high-quality HVAC services, from furnace repairs and installations to air conditioning maintenance. Call (912) 739-4035 today to schedule an appointment for furnace repairs with one of their experienced technicians. You can also visit their website for more information about their full list of services. 
