
As any dentist will tell you, flossing is a crucial part of maintaining one's oral health and wellness. But the subject of flossing is one that’s often entirely new for children, and parents have a lot of questions about when kids should start flossing and how to teach smart flossing techniques. To provide clarification and guidance on this issue, below are some important things that dentists want you to know for teach your kids about flossing.

A Dentist’s Guide to Teaching Kids How to Floss

When to Start

A child should begin flossing when two of their teeth start to touch. This typically occurs between the ages of two and six, when the last two molars come in. Eventually, a child loses all of their baby teeth, but that's no reason not to take care of them. Proper flossing ensures that baby teeth don't develop cavities and that permanent teeth grow in correctly.

How to Floss

dentistEven for most adults, flossing is tricky. When teaching your child how to floss, be patient, and understand that you will likely have to do it for them until they get the hang of it themselves. Remove an 18-inch strand of floss — waxed or smooth floss is often the most comfortable for kids' sensitive teeth and gums — and wrap the bulk of the strand around your middle fingers, leaving about one inch of floss between them. Holding the floss taut, slide it with your thumb and forefinger between your child's teeth. Go slow and gentle, being careful not to snap the floss in and out or dig it into the gumline. Wrap the floss in a horseshoe shape around each tooth and move it up and down. Unspool a clean length of floss from your middle fingers as you progress around the mouth.

When teaching kids, have them hold a hand mirror up as you floss for them so they can see just what's happening. Explain what you're doing at every step. If they have questions, stop and let them ask, there's no rush. A methodical, mindful approach will implement a lifetime of good flossing habits. They — and their dentist — will thank you.


Flossing can seem intimidating and unusual to a child, but the above tips will impart proper technique that will serve them well. Also, be certain your child has regular visits with a dentist. North Ft. Mitchell Dentistry, John M. Schulte DMD, is here for you and your family. For over 40 years, Dr. Schulte and his team have provided pediatric and family dentistry services to patients throughout Northern Kentucky. Schedule a dental exam today by calling (859) 331-0763, visiting his website, or messaging the office on Facebook.
