
If you’ve recently purchased a home and are looking to invest in solar power for your property, you might want to begin with adding a solar water heater. These heaters allow you to get familiar with solar energy on a smaller scale so you can determine what type of power system may be right for your home. There are many types of solar heaters, but all are energy efficient and can drastically lower your home’s carbon footprint. Here are some of the other benefits to consider as well.

Why You Should Install a Solar Water Heater on Your Property

1. It’s a Cost-Effective Solution

An initial investment is required to have the system installed, but you’ll undoubtedly make up the cost with energy savings. Solar energy is free and readily available in Hawaii and has the potential to reduce your energy bills dramatically.

2. It’s Easy to Install & Maintain

solar water heaterFor installation, you’ll need to add the tank and panels to your property. The process is quick since these water heaters don’t need a full 16-panel solar power system to operate. Once installed, solar water heaters require little maintenance to run and can last up to 20 years.

3. It’s Non-Intrusive

Requiring only two to three roof panels, solar heaters won’t take up too much space around your property. Additionally, solar heaters tend to have fewer moving parts than their traditional counterparts, so they’re quieter and non-disruptive around your home.


If you’re interested in a solar water heater for your home, Solar Help Hawaii in Honolulu can help. Their dedicated team of experts services the entire island of Oahu with a variety of offerings, from full solar systems to smaller items like solar water pumps or pool heating systems. The local company works closely with each client to design the perfect solution and ensure all needs are met. Visit their website to learn more about their services, call (808) 548-4357 for a free consultation or view their ratings on Yelp.
