
Wintertime brings with it cold weather, dry air, and plenty of opportunities for static electricity buildup. This can be a great nuisance not only to people but to our pets as well. While static electricity will fortunately not require a trip to the veterinarian, the frequent shocks can certainly be frightening and bothersome to your pet. To help minimize fur static this winter, here are three helpful tips.

3 Ways to Reduce Your Pet’s Fur Static This Winter

1. Replenish Air Humidity

Between radiators and space heaters constantly pumping heat throughout your home in winter, indoor air can become very dry. This dryness can exacerbate fur static on your four-legged family members. To prevent this bothersome issue, try using a humidifier, which will emit water vapor into the air, replenishing the lost moisture. In addition to reducing static electricity, the moisture will be beneficial for the overall skin health of you and your pets.

2. Moisturize Your Pet’s Fur

In addition to replenishing moisture in the air, you’ll also want to give some love to your pet’s fur during bath time. Look for shampoos and conditioners that are moisturizing and avoid those with a heavy alcohol content, as they can further dry out the fur. Aloe vera, coconut oil, and oatmeal-based products are all common veterinarian suggestions for moisture-rich cleansing products that can help minimize static fur.  

3. Change up Your Grooming Tools

veterinarianWhen bath time is over and it’s time to give your furry family member a good comb-out, avoid plastic combs and brushes. The reason for this is that plastic is a conductor of electricity, leading to more uncomfortable static shocks for your pet. Instead, veterinarians suggest metal or ionic grooming tools to keep the static at bay and create a more pleasant grooming experience.


Pet care is vitally important, which is why Countryside Veterinary Service Middlefield makes it their top priority. Serving animals big and small throughout northeastern Ohio and northwestern Pennsylvania, this trusted veterinarian and animal clinic proudly offers both routine wellness and emergency pet care. Speak with a trusted veterinarian at any one of their five convenient locations in Garrettsville, Kinsman, Middlefield, or Warren, OH, or Jamestown, PA.
