
For many dental patients across the US, a visit to the dentist is a frightening thought. Many patients in need of routine or emergency dental care avoid getting it due to fear and anxiety, with negative impacts on their health. If you struggle with this issue, here are a few ways to make dental care easier.

How to Ease Dental Fear

1. Find Distractions

Dental fear is easier to ignore when you have music, a movie, a book, or another distraction to focus on. Look for an activity to bring with you which you can do while you’re in the chair — or at least something to keep you from getting nervous in the waiting room.

2. Talk to Your Dentist

DentistIn some cases, it’s not the entire trip to the dentist you’re afraid of — it’s one specific aspect you don’t like, such as being leaned back in the chair. Most dentists will work with you to plan ways to minimize these negative experiences and put you in control.

3. Bring Moral Support

A trusted friend or family member can help you feel more at ease during your procedure, so ask for someone to come with you. As a bonus, they can drive you home from your appointment if you need sedation.

4. Take Breaks

Work out a signal with your dentist to let them know you need a break. This way, if you become distressed, you can take a moment to calm down before proceeding. Even having this option will help you feel more in control.

5. Request Sedation

Many dentists offer nitrous oxide or oral sedatives to help you stay calm. These medications aren’t just for oral surgery. At some practices, they’re available to any patient who needs them during a visit, even for a routine dental cleaning.


If you’re worried about your upcoming visit to the dentist, call Pfeiffer Family Dentistry in Fort Thomas, KY, to discuss making the visit easier and more comfortable. For over 35 years, they have focused on creating a relaxed and positive experience for their patients, as well as providing satisfying results for your smile. To schedule an appointment, call (859) 441-1900 or send a message online.
