
Did you know that…

  1. If you are stopped and then hit from the rear by another vehicle going 5mph, your head can ricochet backwards and forwards with a force of up to 12 gravities? (One gravity being the amount of force that keeps your feet on the earth.)
  2. In low speed collisions (10 miles per hour and under), women are 38% more likely to come away with injuries than men.
  3. If you had a prior injury to your neck, your risk of re-injury is 5 times greater when you are involved in another auto accident.
  4. If you are a woman, you are twice as likely to have injuries as men.
  5. If you are aware that you are going to be hit and are able to brace yourself, you are 15 times less likely to experience chronic whiplash pain.
  6. If you did not know the collision was coming, you are more likely to have long-term pain.
  7. After one year, 59% of motor vehicle collision victims have headaches and 56% have neck pain.
  8. If your symptoms don’t show up until 24 hours or more after a low speed motor vehicle collision, they can last twice as long as the average.
  9. The acceleration of the occupant when hit is 2.5 times that of the car.
  10. The Temporomandibular Joint influences 25% of the cerebellum (which processes information about your joints, muscles and tendons). The TM joint is the most important joint in the body.