
We often hear from parents that their child does well on school work, has no trouble on homework and understands the material, but still struggles during tests. For many children the testing atmosphere impairs their ability to perform. If your child is in this situation, here’s what you should know about test anxiety and coping mechanisms. 

Understanding & Relieving Test Anxiety

What Is Test Anxiety & What Causes It?

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, test anxiety is a situational form of anxiety and stress in which individuals are unable to perform well on evaluations due to fear of failure, difficulty concentrating, or concerns about their own preparedness. The high stakes and timed scenario of taking a test cause some students to underperform.

TutorSymptoms of test anxiety include nausea, headaches, sweating, fainting, shortness of breath, and panic attacks. Additional signs of text anxiety can include emotional distress, such as fear, depression, anger, or a feeling of helplessness as well as cognitive trouble, including issues with concentration or negativity about oneself. A study conducted in 2010 found that between 10 and 40% of students are impacted by test anxiety

How Can Parents Help Their Children Work Through This?

It’s important for students to understand how they feel going into a testing situation and to talk to their parents and teachers about how this experience impacts them. Once there’s an open dialogue about test anxiety, a focus on preparation and understanding the testing format can help. Most schools will also offer programs and counselling to help students deal with test anxiety.

Many students can feel better prepared if they get consistent and regular help from a tutor particularly on a subject they know they struggle with. A good tutor will make sure that the student not only understands the current material but will also fill in any gaps in the foundational skills. In addition, a tutor can set up sample tests so your student becomes more familiar with the test atmosphere and its time constraints.

If your child suffers from extreme stress and anxiety be sure to also consider professional help. An expert can provide the right counseling and suggest breathing/relaxation exercises and provide positive reinforcement so your child feels confident and has the tools to self-soothe during the test. 

Studies have shown that test anxiety can be heightened by lack of sleep, an empty stomach, or feeling rushed. With this in mind, make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep before a test day, eats a healthy, nutritious breakfast, and arrives with plenty of time to get situated before the examination starts. 


Mathnasium of Smyrna is an after-school tutoring center that has been serving 1st- to 12th-grade students throughout Cobb County, GA, since opening in 2009. As a dedicated learning facility, their tutors provide individualized study assistance to ensure your child can thrive in math. To schedule a tour of this tutoring center and to learn more about their programs and teaching methods, call today at (770) 436-4949. 
