
If a dentist has recommended your child get braces, you probably have a lot of questions. Getting answers to these questions will help your child have a positive experience while also ensuring that he or she is pleased with the final results once braces are removed. The following information is a good place to start when it comes to orthodontics.

The Top Braces FAQ

What’s the best age for braces?

For braces to be most effective they should be applied while your child is still growing, which is why most dentists recommend them for kids between 10 and 14. Older teens and adults can also wear braces, but this is usually to address minor alignment problems.

How long should they stay on?

dentistDuration is usually determined by a person’s age and how significant the misalignment is. In general, patients can expect to have their braces on for at least 18 months, although in some cases treatment can be as long as 30 months.

Are there any foods I shouldn’t eat?

Your child should stay away from hard foods, such as nuts. These can damage wires and cause a trip to the emergency dentist. Sticky foods, like gum and taffy, should also be avoided. It’s also best for kids to eat apples and corn sliced up to avoid damage.

How do I care for braces?

Proper dental care is crucial with braces. However, teens and young adults should take certain precautions to prevent the apparatus from being damaged. Brush gently using small strokes to remove plaque and bacteria from the teeth. Care should also be taken when flossing, as floss can become stuck in metal wires. If your child is given a retainer, it must be worn according to a dentist’s instructions.


With more than 38 years of experience, Bert E. Bathiany IV, DMD has offered orthodontic services to kids in Florence, KY. He encourages parents to bring their kids to a pediatric dentist as early as possible, which is best to address any problems with dental development. From there, this beloved dentist will perform a comprehensive exam to determine the best course of action. In terms of other services, he also provides preventative treatments like dental exams and teeth cleanings and can even seal your child’s teeth to prevent decay. Call (859) 525-2100 today to schedule an appointment or visit their website to learn more about orthodontic procedures.
