
If you’re a pet owner, flea and tick infestations are two types of bug problems that could spell serious trouble for your four-legged companion. In addition to excessive biting and itching, these pests can transmit a variety of health issues that can impact cats and dogs. To help illustrate the danger of these bugs, here are a few common health problems that ticks and fleas might spread to your pet.

5 Pet Health Risks Spread by Fleas & Ticks

1. Lyme Disease

In addition to being a danger for people, Lyme disease can spread to dogs that are bitten by infected deer ticks. While uncommon, it can also spread to cats. Lyme disease is often characterized by swollen joints, fatigue, loss of appetite, and fever.

2. Babesiosis

Spread by the American and brown dog ticks, babesiosis is an infectious disease that can develop in dogs, cats, and other animals. When untreated, this disease may cause severe anemia, weakness, fever, and swollen lymph nodes.

3. Bartonellosis

bug problemCommonly referred to as cat-scratch fever, bartonellosis can be transmitted through flea feces and tick bites. While some cats may never show symptoms, the disease can cause fever, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, and digestive distress in both felines and canines. Dogs that remain untreated are also at risk of developing heart and liver disease. As a zoonotic disease, bartonellosis can also be spread to humans.

4. Tapeworm

Tapeworms are parasites that are carried from fleas to animals. Once tapeworms start growing within the intestinal tract of a cat or dog, they will consume vital nutritional resources. While death or severe illness is unlikely, this parasitic bug problem can cause your pet to become nutritionally deficient and underweight.

5. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

If an American dog or Rocky Mountain spotted fever tick feeds on a cat or dog for more than five hours, they can spread this infectious disease. Minor symptoms connected to Rocky Mountain spotted fever include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and joint pain. If untreated, the disease may cause neurological, respiratory, liver, heart, and kidney complications.


With the help of flea and tick prevention products, you can protect your cat and dog from these dangerous health issues. However, if bug problems have made their way into your home, contact Arab Termite and Pest Control of Cincinnati. Serving the Hamilton County, OH, region since 1929, this pest control provider can be trusted to fully eradicate a number of invasive threats to your home, including fleas, ticks, rodents, bedbugs, and termites. To learn more about how this team can safely and affordably address bug problems, visit their website or call (513) 385-3430.  
