
All stages of life are characterized by unique health concerns, and your oral wellness is no different. Just as dentists see common oral issues in young patients, adults tend to experience a specific set of problems as well. Luckily, many can be prevented and treated in their early stages. Discover some of the most common dental issues for adults below.    

Common Oral Issues Dentists Treat in Adults

1. Gum Disease

dentistGum disease is common, yet serious if left unaddressed. Luckily, it can be reversed if caught in its earliest stage, gingivitis. Brushing, flossing, and regular cleanings help keep the condition at bay. For more advanced forms of gum disease, medications and scaling may be needed to fight the infection and remove plaque and tartar from the periodontal pocket.  

2. Sensitivity

If your teeth are sensitive to hot, cold, or sweet foods, you may be experiencing sensitivity. Depending on its underlying cause, sensitivity may be treatable. Your hygienist may recommend switching to a sensitive toothpaste or brushing more regularly. If there is a serious underlying cause such as an infection, it will need to be addressed through treatment such as root canal therapy.

3. Dry Mouth

While the mouth can feel dry occasionally, constant dryness can be an indication that you have a health condition. Decreased salivary flow can be an underlying sign of disease. It’s also possible the dryness could be caused by certain medications. Inform your dentist of any lifestyle or prescription changes so they can help pinpoint the cause beyond your dry mouth.

4. Tooth Loss & Decay

Loss of teeth is more prevalent in adults and the elderly. It can result from decay or progressive gum disease. While tooth loss and decay are both preventable through good oral hygiene, dentists also have restorative solutions available to help patients who have already experienced missing teeth. Prosthetics such as dental bridges, implants, and crowns can restore the function and appearance of your smile.

5. Oral Cancer

Mouth or throat cancer is more common in older individuals, and it typically manifests as small white or red spots in the mouth or throat. Factors such as HPV infections, heavy alcohol consumption, and smoking can increase the risk of mouth cancer. Regular examinations improve the chances of spotting early signs of cancer. 



The professional team of dentists at Village Smiles Family Dentistry in Monroe County, NY, is committed to providing gentle services and outstanding care to make every patient feel welcome in their office. Whether you have any of the concerns above or simply need to make an appointment for a cleaning and exam, call the office at (585) 385-2033. To learn more about their general dentistry services, visit their website.
