
The majority of snake species are harmless, but it can still be unsettling to suspect that one or more of this reptile is living in your home. Since some snakes can be aggressive when approached and may even be venomous, it’s best to call a professional animal removal service to take care of the issue. But given that many of these creatures lead a reclusive lifestyle, it can be hard to tell if your home is affected by a potential infestation. To help you determine if you need professional care, here are a few signs that snakes may be hiding out on your property.

How to Tell if You Have a Snake Problem & Should Schedule Animal Removal

1. Skin

As snakes age and grow larger, they will naturally shed old layers of skin to make way for their new coat. Often, these dry remnants of skin will come off in large pieces that resemble a tube. While it’s quite possible to find skin outside naturally, if you find any pieces near the perimeter of your house, in your attic or basement, or anywhere else on your property, you likely have a snake living inside your home.

2. Nest

animal removalA nest of snake eggs is a sure sign that you have at least one adult snake living on your property. Since these reptiles prefer dark, cool, and damp spaces, you are most likely to find these nests in places that offer this environment—such as near plumbing fixtures or in basements.

3. Strange Sounds

While snakes are fairly quiet creatures, you may hear them at times when the rest of your home is silent. For example, you might hear a slithering sound in the walls or indeterminate hissing.

4. Tracks

If you suspect that one or more snakes are living in an unused area of the home—such as the attic or basement—look for tracks in dusty surfaces on the floor. When these reptiles slither across surfaces, they will pick up dust and leave long tracks of clean flooring.

5. Droppings

Unlike rodents and other pests, snakes do not leave droppings frequently. However, if you see organic waste in your home that’s similar to bird droppings, it could be from a snake. In some cases, these droppings will contain bone fragments from the animals they have consumed.


If you have noticed any of these infestation signs on your property, don’t try to remove the snakes on your own. Instead, contact the trained animal removal specialists of American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services. Serving Milford, CT, and the surrounding areas since 1971, this team understands how to accurately recognize signs of infestation and how to remove invasive animals in safe, humane fashion. To learn more about snake removal and other animal control solutions they offer, visit this provider online. You can also call (860) 355-1231 to speak to a friendly animal removal specialist about your infestation concerns.
