
Although many people experience flu-like symptoms in winter, the problems could be caused by harmful irritants inside the house instead of exposure to viruses. That’s why you should have a technician inspect for asbestos regularly. They could also find mold inside that should be treated by a professional. Because mold can grow quickly in winter’s damp conditions, here are ways to stop the fungus from taking over your house.

3 Ways to Keep Your Property Protected From Winter Mold Growth

1. Insulate Pipes

During winter, low temperatures can cause pipes to freeze. The fixtures can also crack when frozen, causing water leaks inside your space. The damp conditions can lead to mold growth, so you must winterize your plumbing system. Placing insulated covers on the equipment will provide an extra layer of warmth to keep pipes from cracking. If pipes are already broken, turn off the water supply. This will prevent moisture from escaping the fixtures.

2. Schedule an HVAC Appointment

asbestosPoor air quality doesn’t only make it hard to breathe inside; without proper air circulation, cold air from outside will condense. The moist surroundings are the ideal breeding ground for mold spores. An HVAC technician will inspect, clean, and repair heating and cooling equipment to improve indoor air quality, reduce energy bills, and make your home less susceptible to mold outbreaks. They might also recommend using a dehumidifier to extract moisture from the air.

3. Keep Flooring Dry

While walking around outside in snow and slush, people can easily track the moisture inside on the soles of their shoes. The liquid gets trapped in carpeting and rugs, causing mold to grow in the fibers. Making everyone take off shoes in the entryway before walking inside could combat this problem. You should also vacuum surfaces regularly to dry damp areas and extract other irritants that could make your family sick.


If your home is free of mold and family members experience shortness of breath as well as other health concerns, asbestos could be the cause of discomfort. The professionals at Montville, CT-based Action Asbestos Removal will provide asbestos testing and disposal services to make your space safe for the household. With over 20 years of experience, the asbestos specialists have the tools and training to do a thorough job and remain out of harm’s way in the process. To schedule an asbestos consultation in New London County, call (860) 848-2912. Visit the company online to see how they will restore the safety and comfort of your home; also, go to their Facebook for information on how asbestos can impact your health.
