
Pain in the back of your mouth usually warrants a trip to the dentist. In many cases, the problem is due to impacted wisdom teeth, which can be removed with minor oral surgery. If you elect to undergo wisdom teeth extraction, you might be anxious about what the procedure entails. The following information provides some insight.

A Guide to Wisdom Teeth Extraction

What are impacted wisdom teeth?

The four wisdom teeth are the last to erupt and usually appear between ages 17 and 25. By this stage, however, all of the other teeth have come in and are perfectly formed. This means there isn’t always enough room for the wisdom teeth to grow in properly. In that case, they might remain lodged in place under the gum, grow in sideways, or become entirely covered by the jawbone.  

wisdom teeth extractionWhat are the symptoms?

Impacted wisdom teeth may cause persistent pain, swollen gums, bleeding, or pain in the head and jaw. People may also notice an unusual taste in their mouth while eating. In more severe cases, the neck may feel sore or stiff. Since they result in crowding, your other teeth may also become crooked. And if they aren’t removed, eventually issues such as cysts and infections may arise.

What does extraction involve?

During wisdom teeth extraction, an anesthesiologist will administer either local or general sedation depending on the extent of your surgery. You won’t be able to feel anything during the procedure. A dentist will then incise the gum to expose the wisdom tooth and the bone. After the bone is removed, the tooth is broken into fragments for easier extraction. The site is then cleaned. Not all cases require stitches but, if necessary, the dentist will place dissolvable sutures on the wounds.

What about the aftercare period?

The dentist will provide you with a comprehensive list of aftercare instructions to help your mouth heal well. Rest is recommended for the first day, but this can vary dramatically based on the severity of your wounds. 

Drink from a straw for a week after the procedure, as drawing in air can cause the blood clots in the sockets to dislodge. Finally, you’ll be instructed to eat only soft foods that are easy to swallow, like applesauce, pudding, and yogurt. You might be prescribed medication to manage your pain. Later, you’ll have a follow-up appointment to confirm your mouth is healing well.


If you’re experiencing mouth pain, trust the dentists at Alliance Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Based in Keller, TX, the professionals understand how daunting wisdom teeth extraction can seem and are available to answer all of your questions and ease any concerns. Visit them online to find out about their extensive services. Then call them at (817) 741-2200 to schedule an appointment.
