
Many hearing aids offer a wide range of features that can enhance the listening experience. The advanced features of these devices can adjust the frequency, gain, and microphone direction of the device based on a specific environment. Hearing aid memories offer a wide range of functions that can be helpful in a noisy room, theaters, and outdoors. 

Hearing Aid Memories

What Are Hearing Aid Memories?

For most devices, the "normal" mode is acceptable for giving the best hearing experience. In "normal" mode, the device automatically adjusts to the sounds in the environment to make it as clear as possible. There are instances, however, where a user may want finer control over their listening experience.

Hearing AidsThey can accomplish such customization with what is known as hearing aid memories. These settings allow wearers to create custom settings for specific instances. For example, a user can access a custom program to adjust their devices to handle telephone conversations better or to focus on conversations in a crowded room.   

What Are Common Hearing Aid Memory Settings?

Customization options for hearing aid memories are plentiful. Those who enjoy listening to the radio or enjoy attending live musical events can access a custom program that makes for a richer sound quality. Outdoor enthusiasts can have a better experience with custom settings that reduce wind noise. Other common options include settings for the television, auditorium, and car. 


Hearing aid memories enhance the listening experience by providing fine-grained control of the device based on specific environments. If you think you are experiencing hearing loss, Heartland Better Hearing of Elizabethtown can help you find a hearing device that suits your needs. These experts handle everything from device sales to repairs and cleaning. They can even create a custom mold to fit you with a set of earplugs that will give you a more comfortable fit. This proud member of the Hearing Aid Association of Kentucky is happy to provide a free hearing assessment in their office or your home. Call them today at (270) 735-9352 to schedule an appointment. You can also view their product line by visiting their website.
