
The secret to a new carpet's fluffiness is the collection of hundreds of perfectly twisted fibers. However, over time, these threads unravel and get meshed together to create flattened eyesores. Fortunately, there are a few ways to avoid this problem and prolong the aesthetic finish of your carpets. Here's a closer look at the top culprits of matted fibers as well as the preventative steps you need to take to keep your floors looking fresh.

A Guide to Carpet Matting

What Causes It?

Pressure is the most common reason for uneven carpet surface height. Typically, it's caused by either furniture or foot traffic. In both cases, concentrated weight squishes the fibers down, and the repetitive movement from walking or sitting causes the threads to get tangled together, resulting in a matted appearance.

Another key component of matting is grime buildup. From dust to dirt, small particles are brought into the home on shoes, pet fur, and even from the air. When these molecules settle into the carpet, they bind to the flooring fibers. The grime causes the fibers to stick together like glue, and eventually, flattens the area under the weight of the buildup.

How Can You Prevent It?

carpetOne of the biggest defenses against matting is choosing the right carpet for your space from the get-go. This step is especially important in high-traffic areas of the home, like the living room, where the issue is most likely to occur. Acrylic- and nylon-based materials are more resistant to flattening than polyester, so consider these two fibers when it's time to replace your flooring.

Regardless of the material present, there are a few tricks that reduce the risk of matting. For one, rearrange your rooms every few months to redirect foot traffic and redistribute furniture weight. Regular cleaning is also beneficial. Vacuum weekly to help re-fluff the fibers, and schedule professional deep cleaning once or twice per year.

Tired of fighting old, matted carpet? Upgrade your flooring today at W&W Flooring and Design in Foley, AL. The locally owned and operated flooring store proudly serves the needs of homeowners across Baldwin County. From new carpeting to laminate and hardwood, their skilled team will help you choose the right flooring material for your needs. Browse their inventory online or call (251) 970-5244 to schedule flooring installation today.
