
If you’re a caregiver for an elderly loved one, you know winter can be an unforgiving time. In this case, there are steps you can take to ensure the safety and security of your family, from clearing off snowy walkways to inspecting home heating systems. The following tips will help you prepare your loved one for chilly winter weather.

4 Caregiver Tips to Help Seniors This Winter

1. Be Careful When Decorating

When decorating for the holidays, an artificial tree is the safest option. Real trees have a higher risk of catching on fire, particularly when they dry out. Real trees also require more upkeep and cleaning. In terms of lights, replace any broken bulbs and make sure decorations are used as suggested to reduce the risk of injury.

2. Create a Safety Kit

If your loved one experiences a power outage while you’re away, a safety kit is crucial. Kits should include a flashlight, warm clothing/blankets, non-perishable foods, and fresh drinking water. Keep the kit somewhere easily accessible and provide instructions on how and when it should be used.

3. Shovel Walks & Driveways

caregiverIf your family member is no longer capable, offer to shovel snow from walkways and driveways. Caregivers can enlist the help of others with this chore, such as neighbors or their children. Slipping on icy ground is a major contributor to falling injuries, especially for the elderly.

4. Make Sure Heating Systems Are Working

Do a test of your loved one’s home heating system before cold weather strikes. If there are any issues, contact a heating repair service for maintenance. They can replace worn components or even clean ducts to ensure hot air is dispersed evenly throughout the home.


As a family caregiver, you may find it difficult to properly see to your loved one’s needs. In this case, rely on the personal care aides at Total Life Care in Sanford, NC, to help with day-to-day needs. This includes personal grooming, meal preparation, help with transportation, providing much-needed companionship, and management of Alzheimer’s and dementia symptoms. If your schedule is packed during the holiday season, a home care aide can step in to provide essential services, benefitting you and your elderly relative. Call (919) 776-0352 to speak with a friendly and knowledgeable representative, or visit their website to learn more about the services offered.
