
As a business owner, you’ll have to keep an eye on your parking lot during the winter. The fluctuations in temperature and precipitation damage your asphalt and pose hazards to your client base. To ensure your customers can safely access the storefront, heed the following advice.

3 Tips for Making Your Asphalt Parking Lot Safe All Winter Long

1. Erect Hazard Signs

Before the ice and snow arrive, look around your parking lot and the perimeter of your property for areas that are highly trafficked or especially prone to pedestrian hazards, such as icy patches near downspouts. By erecting legible signs around these spots, you’ll warn your patrons of the possibility of a slip-and-fall and make the parking lot safer.

2. Have Cracks & Holes Repaired

asphaltCracks and potholes in asphalt are already hazardous to pedestrians, and the addition of ice, snow, and decreased visibility will only exacerbate the danger. Double check your parking lot for signs of damage. Have all cracks and holes filled in or patched over as soon as possible, and continue to check on your property throughout the season. The cold weather will make asphalt more brittle and prone to breakage, and existing problems will only get worse.

3. Shovel Regularly

It’s crucial to create safe pathways for your customers. If your lot is large and it’s too much for your crew, hire a professional team to lessen the workload. Make sure to call for help immediately after snowfall, before it can harden and turn into ice. At this point, it will be much harder to remove. If the snowfall is especially heavy or lasts for hours, shovel periodically during the storm to limit accumulation. 

Protect your parking lot this winter by turning to the asphalt experts at Beausoleil & Sons Construction, Inc. in Cranston, RI. They use only high-quality materials, so you’ll rest assured your parking lot will remain intact and resist fading for longer. They provide reliable and rapid service to clients throughout Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. To inquire about paving services, call them at (401) 632-0203. Learn more about the company by visiting their website.
