
From cookies to eggnog, the holiday season is full of sweets. But among all these treats, none may be more dangerous for your teeth than the classic candy cane. Crafted primarily of sugar, these ornamental snacks can dramatically increase your risk of cavities and gum disease. Their hard texture can also do a number on your teeth. So, is it possible to enjoy candy canes while looking out for your oral health at the same time? While it’s better to avoid them altogether, you can keep your dentist appointments to a minimum by considering these dental care do’s and don’ts for eating candy canes.  


Choose sugar-free varieties.

When oral bacteria use sugar for fuel, they produce an acidic byproduct that wears away at enamel and causes cavities. To reduce your risk of tooth decay, stick to candy canes that use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar.

Brush your teeth after.

The longer sticky sugar sits on your teeth, the higher the risk of decay. To protect your teeth, rinse with water after and consider chewing sugar-free gum to remove any debris. After 30 minutes have passed, brush and floss your teeth to remove cavity-causing buildup. Be aware that if you brush before 30 minutes, you may actually stimulate an acidic reaction that increases the risk of damage.  

Limit your intake.

While a few candy canes throughout the holiday season may not be a huge danger, consuming them on a regular basis will result in an ongoing attack on your smile. When you do consume the treat, stick to one serving and avoid adding other sweets into the mix.


Bite or chew.  

dentistBiting or chewing on candy canes exerts excessive pressure on teeth that may cause chipping or cracking. When this occurs, your dentist may have to restore your smile with dental crowns, veneers, or implants.

Eat them solo.

Consuming healthy foods and drinks along with your candy canes can diversify the substances in your mouth and reduce the risk of cavities. Specifically, foods and drinks—such as apples and milk—can help scrub or rinse away buildup to reduce the amount of damage to your teeth.

Open wrappers with teeth.

If your candy canes are wrapped in plastic, don’t use your teeth to pull them off. While the plastic may be thin, using your teeth as tools in any capacity can result in physical damage that can only be repaired with restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatments.


Whether you enjoy candy canes or not, the holiday season is an excellent time to schedule an appointment with a trusted dentist—such as the professionals at Laguna Bond Dental. Located in Elk Grove, CA, this family dentistry is equipped to handle everything from toothaches to root canals with confidence. Dedicated to patient comfort, these professionals will also take a gentle approach to ensure your appointment is as stress-free as possible. Visit this clinic online to learn more about their comprehensive treatment options or call (916) 686-8989 to schedule a convenient appointment.
