
Your smile is more important than you might think: research shows that smiling improves how others perceive you. Yellowed, spotty, and stained teeth, however, are considered unattractive – plus, if they make you self-conscious, you may be less likely to smile. Teeth whitening services will correct the problem. Here are five questions dentists commonly hear about this smile-brightening procedure. 

Top 5 FAQ About Teeth Whitening

What’s the difference between in-office treatments & home whitening kits?

teeth whiteningTreatment from a cosmetic dentist provides thorough teeth whitening. At the office, your dentist will clean your teeth thoroughly before applying several coats of the gel over the course of a 30- or 40-minute session. After each application, your dentist may use an LED lamp as a catalyst to speed the reaction time. In-office teeth whitening lightens your enamel by 10 to 15 shades, depending on the degree of staining. Alternatively, your dentist will make a custom mold of your teeth so you can apply the bleaching agent at home. Drugstore home kits come with one-size-fits-all trays, require five to seven days of use for 30 minutes each, and whiten teeth up to five shades.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

Costs for in-office treatment vary depending on how much bleaching you require. Insurance typically does not cover the procedure. Over-the-counter kits are cheaper than professional teeth whitening, but are also less effective.

Will it be painful or wear down my enamel?

Teeth whitening does not damage enamel or any other part of the tooth, including the nerves. Some patients experience gum irritation from incorrectly applied bleaching products, especially if they use home kits that aren’t customized to fit their teeth. 

How long does it last?

Professional teeth whitening lasts anywhere from three months to three years, depending on what you eat and drink and whether you use tobacco products. Whitening from home kits usually last about a month.

To maintain your newly-white smile, avoid staining beverages, such as coffee and red wine. Drink plenty of water to flush any staining agents you do consume from your teeth. Refrain from tobacco use, and brush and floss regularly to maintain oral hygiene. Touch-up treatments can also keep your teeth white.

Does it damage existing dental restorations?

Teeth whitening products do not damage fillings, crowns, veneers, bridges, or dental implants. However, they have no effect on the restorations’ color, meaning your whitened teeth may not match your crowns or other dental work. Talk to your dentist about your options. 


If you believe you are a candidate for teeth whitening, talk to the cosmetic dentists at High Point Smile Dentistry. A proud member of the High Point, NC, community for over 15 years, this dental clinic offers a full suite of services including general, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dental care. Call (336) 884-4000 to schedule an appointment today or visit the website for a smile analysis. Follow the dentists on Twitter for oral health tips.
