
Navigating an icy driveway in winter is risky. Thankfully, asphalt is a fairly low-maintenance material that allows for easy snow and ice removal. Follow the guide below to keep your asphalt driveway safe and clear this winter.

How to De-Ice Your Asphalt Driveway

1. Remove Snow Quickly

When a significant amount of snow is accumulating, remove it using a shovel or snowblower. Do this quickly after it’s finished snowing, or if it’s a longer storm, remove snow at regular intervals to prevent build-up. The longer snow sits on your driveway, the more chance it has to stick to the ground and create a hard or even icy layer. Plus, the lower you keep your snow level, the easier it is to shovel. 

2. Use Chemical De-Icers

asphaltSubstances like calcium chloride and sodium chloride effectively melt ice. Unlike some other paving materials, asphalt is not affected or damaged when exposed to rock salt. Apply an even layer to your driveway directly before or after a storm, but take care not to place any on your lawn or nearby plants, as salt is harmful to the environment. 

3. Add Traction

If you’re losing the battle to de-ice your driveway, it may be easier to simply make the surface less slippery by scattering materials like wood chips, gravel, or sand. These materials won’t melt the ice, but they will mitigate the risk of slipping and falling. They’ll also need to be cleaned up later. 


Asphalt is an easy material to de-ice in winter and maintain year-round. If you want to have a new asphalt driveway added to your property, call the experts at Beausoleil & Sons Construction, Inc. Serving Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, the family-owned and -operated paving company has been providing expert service for more than 40 years. They’re dedicated to using top-quality materials to ensure your complete satisfaction with any paving project. Call (401) 632-0203 or contact the company online to request a quote.
