
As beautiful as idyllic winter scenes can be, they often wreak havoc on the skin. As temperatures drop, you may find your skin becoming much drier, which is uncomfortable as well as unsightly. In this case, including exfoliation techniques like microdermabrasion and chemical face peels into your skin care regime might be the right choice.

Why Exfoliation Is Crucial in Winter

As temperatures fall, so does the level of moisture in the air. Decreased humidity is bad for your skin, especially if you experience dry skin in regular conditions. Even if you take time to moisturize every day, you may still experience cracked and damaged skin. If so, exfoliation is a must.

microdermabrasionWhen skin cells become too damaged, they die off. Exfoliation removes these dead cells to expose the smooth and supple skin underneath. Exfoliation can also help reduce inflammation and pimples caused by clogged pores. Additionally, it will make your current skin care regimen far more effective because moisturizers will be able to penetrate deeper.

Different Types of Exfoliation

Microdermabrasion is a type of exfoliation that utilizes a device to slough off the outer layer of skin. Devices can employ fine crystals, which are sprayed onto the skin and then vacuumed away, or they can use a diamond-tipped mechanism to remove dead skin. Sessions usually last about an hour, and results tend to be visible immediately after.

Chemical face peels are another option. In this case, a specially designed solution is applied to the skin, which then gently removes dry surface skin. Solutions often utilize acids, which range in potency. For instance, alpha-hydroxy acid is used to treat the outer layer of skin only while tricholoracetic acid penetrates deep into the dermis. Along with improving the condition of your skin, both microdermabrasion and chemical face peels can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.


If you’re struggling with dry skin this winter, it may be time to visit Lauren A. Daman, M.D., P.C. As a trusted skin surgeon in Hartford, CT, Dr. Daman offers a wide range of dermatological services. Her microdermabrasion treatment is provided in a safe and sterile environment to ensure you’re pleased with the final results. This skin care clinic also offers Botox® treatment, scar removal, and surgical therapies. Call (860) 246-3533 to schedule your next appointment. You can also visit her online for more information on the treatments offered.
