
Although in many ways it’s the most joyous time of the year, winter brings with it a number of unique challenges that can cause havoc on a home. The falling temperatures and houseguest traffic around the holidays can be particularly hard on the plumbing. This often causes unforeseen issues that need the help of a plumber. Being aware of some of the plumbing problems that commonly happen in the wintertime can help you prevent them or know when it’s time to call a professional. 

Plumbing Issues to Look out for This Winter 

1. Frozen Pipes 

Once winter arrives, your home’s pipes are in danger of freezing. It’s important to make sure they’re properly protected before it gets too cold. Place insulation over pipes that are in areas that don’t get heat, winterize your irrigation system, and turn the faucets on to allow a steady stream of water to run whenever you leave the house or it’s going to be an especially cold night. If you do encounter a frozen pipe, shut off the main water supply and call a professional plumber to minimize the chance of damage. 

2. Water Heater Malfunction 

plumberWater heaters tend to work overtime during the winter, which causes extra wear and tear on the appliance’s parts. It’s a good idea to keep a close eye on how well your water heater seems to be performing throughout the season. This will allow you to detect any signs of trouble early on, such as loss of water pressure, strange sounds coming from within the tank, or a decline in water temperature coming from the faucets, so you can call a plumber for repairs in time to avoid a complete breakdown.

3. Clogged Drains

Drains clog more frequently during the holiday season because homeowners are cooking more and food particles often end up down the garbage disposal. Also, the arrival of guests means there are more people using the showers and toilets. While you may be able to take care of a small clog on your own, bigger blockages usually require a plumber’s specialized tools and expertise. It may also be necessary to do a drain cleaning to flush out the system.


If you find yourself facing these or any other plumbing issue this winter, don’t hesitate to contact Murphy’s Plumbing Services. They’ve been providing the residents of Mebane, NC, with effective repair solutions for the last three decades. When you need a plumber you can rely on to restore your home’s plumbing system in a quick and cost-efficient manner, call (919) 563-5165 to request a job estimate. Visit their website for a list of services they offer.

