
A clean, beautiful pool can be your private oasis after a hard day, and it gives your home a place for friends and family to gather—but only if you practice proper swimming pool maintenance. Taking care of your pool is well worth the investment when you do it regularly by yourself or with the help of pool maintenance experts. Here’s why.

3 Top Reasons to Stay on Top of Swimming Pool Maintenance

1. Safety & Comfort

When the chemical levels in your pool are off balance, the water will irritate your eyes and skin, but this discomfort it just the beginning. Improperly maintained chemical levels can turn your pool from an oasis into a petri dish of bacteria. You and your guests can get giardia, norovirus, or diarrhea from cryptosporidium. If pets or children in diapers are frequent swimmers in your pool, be extra vigilant about cleaning and checking your chemicals.

swimming pool maintenance2. Value & Aesthetics

When your pool is clean and well maintained, it looks beautiful. You’ll be happy to sit poolside and relax, inviting your friends and neighbors over. A consistently maintained pool can also add to your home’s value. Pools that fall into disrepair can actually detract from the value of your home and become a serious eyesore. Regular cleanings will also help to extend the life of your pumps and motors.

3. Ease & Convenience

If you practice good swimming pool maintenance regularly, caring for your pool will become faster and easier. When you let your pool go for weeks without skimming and vacuuming, it becomes a time-consuming chore. You have a busy life, and some weeks you just might not find the time. Call a pool maintenance company to handle it for you. They can do a one-time cleaning or come by regularly. Next time you want to jump into your pool without worrying about cleaning, you’ll be glad you did.


Practical Pools & Ponds LLC in Robertsdale, AL, has been providing quality swimming pool maintenance and repair to Baldwin County for more than 20 years. Their team of professionals knows pools inside and out, from liners to motors and pumps. Whether you have a chlorine or saltwater pool, in-ground or aboveground, they’ll make sure it continues to add value to your home and your life. Here you’ll find the pool and spa supplies you need at a cost-effective price. Call (251) 945-4769 or contact a pool expert online to schedule your maintenance appointment today.
