
It would throw a serious wrench into your holiday plans if you had to file a homeowners insurance claim because of a chimney fire. To avoid this costly hassle, it’s necessary to perform basic fireplace and chimney maintenance before lighting a fire on your hearth this season. Below are some of the most important reasons to hire a chimney sweep to clean and inspect your chimney before the holidays arrive.

3 Crucial Reasons to Have Your Chimney Cleaned Before Winter

1. Safety

As you use your fireplace, the wood you burn exudes creosote, an oily, sticky substance that adheres to the liner of your chimney. Creosote is very flammable, and stray sparks traveling upward through the chimney flue can cause it to ignite. The U.S. experiences 25,000 chimney fires each year, which result in $125 million in damages. To avoid becoming a statistic and filing a homeowners insurance claim, have your chimney cleaned each year before you start using it frequently in winter.

2. Maintenance

homeowners insuranceRegular cleaning gives the sweep an opportunity to inspect your fireplace and chimney and perform any needed maintenance or repairs. For instance, the liner may need to be replaced, the flashing may need repair, or pests may have made a home in the duct. Regular maintenance prevents additional problems from arising and could easily save you money in the long run.

3. Peace of Mind

A clean chimney and fireplace give you peace of mind that your home isn't in danger of catching fire or filling up with noxious gases like carbon monoxide. Instead of attempting the project yourself, you should consider hiring a professional. You will avoid the danger of climbing on the roof, and a professional will have the tools and know-how to perform the job correctly and get the chimney as clean as possible. A professional will save you time, energy, and provide the best results.

To see if you can lower your homeowners’a insurance premiums or improve your coverage at no additional cost, contact Taake Insurance Agency in Columbia, IL. They have offered businesses and individuals throughout Monroe County the highest quality home, life, health, and auto insurance for more than 40 years. Visit their website to submit an information request or call (618) 281-7656 to request a homeowners insurance quote.  
