
There are many responsibilities to keep in mind when you move into a new home, and in the midst of the excitement and occasional stress, you might neglect to focus on one very important detail: your property’s security system. The door locks play a vital role in keeping your family safe, but they’re only truly secure if you know no one else has a key to them. If you haven’t considered hiring a locksmith to replace or rekey them, here are some important reasons to have them updated.

Why You Should Replace or Rekey Your Locks in a New Home

1. Protection

The most obvious reason you should change door locks is for your new home’s security. You can never be sure who had keys to the home before you purchased it, as the previous homeowners may have created multiple copies to share with friends and family. This is a crucial reason to have a professional replace the locks immediately upon taking possession of the property.

2. Aging

door locksSimple wear and tear can take their toll on locks. That’s something to consider if you’re moving into an older home whose locks haven’t been changed in a long time. If you have trouble maneuvering your house keys or the locks appear worn and rusty, it’s an excellent time to upgrade your entire home security system with new door locks. Upgrading to a more modern set also provides you with enhanced security features and ensures your home is as secure as possible.

3. Convenience

Sometimes homeowners may need to replace their door locks for the sake of comfort and convenience. This may be necessary for elderly people who can’t comfortably turn knobs or who have limited mobility. A lever handle can prove far easier to handle. For families with kids, it may be necessary to install more child-friendly mechanisms that prevent them from opening the doors and wandering outside.


If you’ve just moved into a new home, trust the experts at Mr. Lock Security to increase the security and usability of your door locks. Based in Cincinnati, OH, they’ve proudly served their community since 1979. Whether you’re interested in home security system installation or want to learn more about upgrading your locks and security alarms, they’ll provide you with the most reliable products on the market. Visit the company online for details about their services, or call them at (513) 232-2424 to schedule an appointment.
