
The holiday season is a hectic time for everyone, including your pets. Between parties, home decorations, and tasty—though dangerous—foods, they face several safety hazards that you should keep in mind. By practicing proper holiday pet care, you can be confident your furry friends won’t end up needing a surprise trip to the animal hospital.

How to Keep Your Pets Safe This Holiday 

1. Watch the Food

One of the biggest dangers to pets is holiday foods. Chocolate, onions, garlic, and grapes are toxic to dogs, while garlic is toxic to cats. Remind guests not to feed your pets and make sure that any unattended food is well out of reach. Dogs and cats do not require variety in their diet like humans.  It is best to keep on their same consistent diet. Even a snack from the holiday table can upset their GI tract and cause diarrhea and vomiting.  If you want to serve holiday treats, ask your local animal hospital about pet-friendly options.

2. Create a Safe Space

animal-hospital-cherry-hill-dog-and-cat-hospitalHoliday parties can be overwhelming for pets. You should make sure they have a comfortable place to retreat where no one will bother them. Place their bed or crate in a back room where they can relax and fill it with their favorite toys. This can significantly reduce stress. Check on them now and then and be sure to show plenty of love so they feel safe. If your pet experiences added stress or anxiety around the holiday season, visit an animal hospital for relaxation tips. 

3. Be Careful With Décor

Pets will sniff and explore all the new holiday décor around the house. Some, such as tinsel, can be a choking hazard, while holiday plants like holly and mistletoe are toxic. Cats may knock over candles while scrambling about, and a falling Christmas tree can cause injury. As you decorate your home, keep your pet in mind with every item you place down so you can be confident there aren’t any accidents waiting to happen. 



Dr. Douglas Foreman and Dr. Roberta Mauro of Cherry Hill Dog & Cat Hospital are committed to keeping animals throughout Cecil County, MD, healthy. For over 53 years, their animal hospital has provided a wide scope of services, including cat and dog vaccinations, pet dental care services, and surgery. They’ll also work closely with you to ensure optimal at-home care, so call (410) 398-1331 to schedule a wellness exam. To see a list of their services, visit their website
