
Your home’s water system is an essential part of your daily life. You need clean water to drink and use for cooking, cleaning, and personal care. However, there are a number of common issues that can impact the quality of your water, in which case you’ll need to seek water system repairs from a qualified professional. Here are some issues to look out for.

How to Tell if You Need Water System Repairs

1. Rusty Water

If you turn on a faucet and notice that the water is discolored, you could have a rust issue. If it’s only an issue when you’re using hot water, then you may need to replace the water heater. If it’s constant, you likely have rusty pipes. If that’s the case, call a water system repair company to inspect and potentially replace the pipes.

2. Unusually High Water Bills

water system repairsIf there is a leak somewhere in your home, it means your system has to work harder to deliver the water you need, so your water bills will increase. Higher water bills can also be caused by an ineffective pump or water line. Schedule an inspection if you notice an unexpected increase in your bill.

3. Low Water Pressure

If you notice water coming out of your faucets at a slower rate than usual, there could be a leak in the delivery system. Look for puddling around your home or yard, particularly near the water heater or any pipes. If you see puddles, call a professional to locate the issue and fix it.


If you need water system repairs, call the professionals at Stadeli Water Systems in Marion County, OR. This water purification and repair company has been serving area residents for more than 65 years and is known for providing reliable, expert services. They offer affordable rates and are available 24/7 for emergency services. If you’re in need of a new water treatment system, pressure tanks, pumps, or general maintenance, call (503) 873-9287 or contact them online.
