
Did you know that oral hygiene is as important for dogs as it is for people? Tooth decay and gum disease can affect animals and contribute to or cause other health problems. Discomfort and pain are also an unfortunate reality for dogs with poor dental health. In addition to visiting the vet for a dog teeth cleaning, there are a few ways to make sure your dog has excellent oral health at home.

Dog Teeth Cleaning Options

1. Brushing

dog-teeth-cleaning-with-finger-brushBrushing your dog’s teeth is the best way to keep teeth and gums healthy. Plaque affects a dog’s teeth just as it does humans, building up to form tartar, create cavities, and destroy gum tissue. Brushing once daily will minimize the buildup of plaque. Though it’s best to start early, when your dog is a puppy, eventually most dogs can be trained to accept this activity. Use a toothbrush and paste created for dogs. Brush gently at a 45-degree angle to teeth, focusing on the “cheek” teeth. If you have a small dog, consider a finger brush that may be more comfortable for their mouth.

2. Dental Wipes

Dental wipes can be used daily to remove plaque from the surface of the teeth. Though not as effective as brushing, dental wipes are useful for dogs who won’t let you brush and are perfect for traveling.

3. Water Additive

Natural and non-toxic products that freshen breath and help remove bacteria can be added to the dog’s water one or more times per day, according to manufacturer instructions. 

4. Oral Gels & Sprays

Similar to dental wipes, there are many products on the market that can be sprayed onto teeth and gums to help reduce plaque and tartar. Look for products that don’t contain chemicals. Formulated in flavors that dogs will like, the daily dog teeth cleaning will become an event that’s anticipated.

5. Raw Bones

Chewing on raw bones and tendons are nature’s way of keeping animals’ teeth clean. Purchase high-quality bones for your dog to enjoy, but don’t serve them cooked bones, which may splinter and damage gums or the GI tract. Chew bones and bully sticks are also options that strengthen jaw muscles and help clean teeth and gums.

6. Dental Treats

Natural and fortified dental treats are a highly effective way to help dogs keep teeth clean, especially smaller or older dogs who may not have an interest in bones. Look for options that contain ingredients such as chlorophyll for fresh breath and oils of thyme or mint that are naturally antibacterial.


Animal Health Center in Enterprise, AL, offers dog teeth cleaning and general pet dentistry as well as a full range of preventive veterinary services. They offer boarding, surgery, ultrasound, emergency services, vaccines, and more. Call (334) 347-0544 to make an appointment or visit their website to learn more about their offerings.

