
A variety of businesses use forklifts as a means to lift and transport heavy materials. Though they are not intended to last forever, it isn’t uncommon for these machines to prematurely succumb to costly, preventable damages involving everything from the radiator to the transmission. Below are a few types of repairs your forklift may need and what you can do to prevent them.

3 Ways to Prevent Pricey Forklift Repairs

1. Pay Attention to Older Forklifts

Newer forklift models may function a little better than older ones because of their original components. However, that does not mean that an older machine cannot remain fully operational once it reaches a certain age. By getting regular oil changes and maintaining a thorough maintenance schedule, you can extend the life of your equipment and prevent paying thousands of dollars to replace crucial components or purchasing a new forklift.

2. Get Inspections to Prevent Radiator Replacement

radiatorPutting a constant strain on your equipment can wear it down, which is why scheduled inspections are necessary. For instance, the radiator is crucial to the function of a forklift, but it can wear down from overuse and cause coolant leaks and overheating issues. Radiators can also collect dust and produce clogs, which will make it difficult for the forklift to keep up with the demands of the job at hand. If left ignored, the overheating radiator and its wiring could generate enough heat to produce a fire. Inspecting the radiator, air and fuel filters, and getting tuneups can prevent costly repairs by catching problems before they become too far gone. 

3. Maintain the Transmission

Another necessary feature of a forklift is the transmission. When this equipment fails, the forklift will likely break down soon after. Repairing or rebuilding a forklift’s transmission can cost thousands of dollars in labor alone, and replacing them can be significantly more expensive depending on the type of machine you have. However, you can prevent these repairs by maintaining the hub as well as performing transaxle fluid checks. 


If your company uses forklifts as part of daily operations, you need to ensure the machines are fully functional at all times. The professionals at American Radiator & Heat Exchangers in St. Louis, MO, are here to assist you with all your industrial radiator needs. Their services include radiator repairs, recoring, customized part fabrication, and welding for semi trucks, forklifts, and tractors. To learn more about their services, including heat exchange and fuel tank repairs, visit them online, or call (314) 725-3357 to speak with a knowledgeable technician today.
