
As temperatures cool down and snow starts to fall, you want to keep your family warm this winter season. A comfortable home starts with a quality HVAC system. By scheduling heating system services ahead of time this season, you can ensure that your property’s furnace is running as efficiently as possible.

How Can You Prepare Your HVAC This Winter?

1. Replace the Filters

heating system servicesDirty filters can lower the efficiency of your HVAC system and spike energy bills. Change your home’s HVAC filters before the start of winter, and get in the habit of changing them every three months. While the heat is running constantly, check the filters about every month to ensure they are clean and in place.

2. Start Your Furnace Early

You don’t want to turn on your furnace the first frigid day of the year only to find it doesn’t work. Before temperatures drop too low, be sure that you start running your furnace consistently. As it runs, you can spot any issues before temperatures stay below freezing. You can also save on energy costs by keeping the heat on from the start of the season rather than switching it on and off.

3. Perform a Basic Inspection

Do a visual and auditory inspection of your furnace at the start of the season. Ensure that there aren’t any objects around the furnace and that the unit isn’t showing any visible signs of damage. As the furnace runs, listen for any clanging or grinding sounds. This will call for a heating system service due to an internal problem. Also, be sure to take any unusual smells seriously, as this can indicate a leak or loose part.

4. Schedule Heating System Services 

The best way to ensure that your HVAC is working properly this winter is to call a professional heating and cooling company. These experts can assess any issues and make necessary repairs. They can also ensure that the unit is working as efficiently as possible, so your family can stay toasty this winter. 


Ready to get your furnace in top shape this winter? The professionals at Cowles Heating Service in Fairbanks, AK, provide the heating system services you can trust. Whether your unit isn’t working properly or you simply want to check on its efficiency, these licensed contractors are available to assist 24/7. From central heating to wood pellet stoves, they can inspect and repair your systems to get ready for an Alaskan winter. To learn more about their service, visit them online or call (907) 488-2277.
