
The choice to spay or neuter your pet plays a deciding factor in their health. Performed in a veterinary clinic, the surgical procedure prevents the pet from reproducing and helps control the animal population. Below are some of the other reasons you should consider it for your furry family member.

The Benefits of Spaying & Neutering

1. Improve Your Pet's Behavior

Male cats or dogs that aren’t neutered are more likely to exhibit behavioral issues, like marking their territory in the house, roaming, and acting aggressively—all in an attempt to attract a mate. By taking them to a veterinary clinic to be fixed, however, you can avoid many of these problems.

2. Reduce Your Pet's Health Risks

veterinary clinicAs a pet parent, your dog’s or cat’s health is of utmost importance to you. Therefore, consider spaying as a way to prevent breast cancer and uterine infections in females and neutering to eliminate the risk of testicular cancer in males, among other advantages.

3. Save Money

While spaying and neutering do cost money, the expense is much less than taking care of a litter of puppies or kittens. In addition, many shelters that give out pets make this procedure part of the adoption contract. Therefore, if they don't receive proof from a veterinary clinic that the surgery was performed, they may ask for the dog or cat to be given back or a fine to be paid.

4. Keep Your Community Safe

Pets that aren’t fixed are more likely to roam away from home. They can get into fights with other dogs or cats and even bite people. Furthermore, they contribute to the number of homeless animals wandering your community and overrunning shelters. Therefore, consider spaying and neutering for the common good.


If you are looking for spay or neuter services in Lincoln, NE, turn to Yankee Hill Veterinary Hospital. The veterinary clinic has been in business since 2005 and provides everything from routine medical care to surgery for cats, dogs, and even exotic animals. Their team of veterinarians and technicians will do everything they can to help your pet feel comfortable while looking after their health. To schedule an appointment, call (402) 421-8111 or visit their website for more information about their services.
