
Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a common disorder estimated to impact as many as 8% of adults. But while this condition may be prevalent, many don’t recognize it due to that fact that grinding tends to happen at night. Since bruxism can lead to severe pain and lasting oral health complications, it’s important to talk to your dentist about possible treatments. To determine if you’re grinding your teeth at night, here are five common signs to look for.

5 Common Signs of Bruxism

1. Worn Enamel

Over time, the pressure of rubbing teeth together will wear away enamel. As this problem worsens, you may experience cavities and physical damage, such as chipped or cracked teeth,  that require attention from a dentist.

2. Others Notice  

dentistWhile you may sleep through your teeth grinding, it can create a lot of noise that may disturb your partner. If you share a bed, ask your partner if they ever hear you grinding your teeth during the night.

3. Jaw or Facial Pain

Severe grinding can keep the jaw bones and facial muscles tense throughout the night. When you wake up, you may notice that your jaw is stiff or hurts when you open your mouth, speak, or yawn. Other areas of your face may also hurt, such as your ears or temples. Typically, this pain will fade away throughout the day when your mouth has had a chance to relax.

4. Increased Dental Sensitivity

As enamel is worn away by bruxism, the sensitive area inside the tooth can become exposed. This area, also known as dentin, contains nerves that are highly sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, air, and sweets. If you experience heightened dental sensitivity, it may be due to bruxism.

5. Tissue Damage

If you wake up with unusual mouth injuries, bruxism may be to blame. Although it may not happen every night, it’s common for those with bruxism to occasionally bite their cheeks as they grind their teeth. In some cases, this behavior may injure the cheeks and cause bleeding.


While bruxism may feel like a condition that’s outside of your control, there are steps you can take to find relief and protect your teeth. If you suffer from teeth grinding, the specialists at Pfeiffer Family Dentistry will determine the nature of your condition and explore effective solutions to keep the problem at bay, such as nighttime oral appliances that pad the teeth as you sleep. If bruxism has led to damage, this Fort Thomas, KY, dentist also offers comprehensive cosmetic services to repair your smile, including veneers and dental implants. To learn more about these services, visit this caring dentist online. For general or emergency dental care appointments, call a friendly team member at (859) 441-1900.
