
Divorce is a difficult experience for anyone to go through, but it tends to be especially hard on children. No matter what age they are, kids need time to process their feelings and come to terms with how their life is changing. If you have recently contacted a family lawyer about ending your marriage, it’s important to recognize that how you handle the situation will have a significant impact on your children’s well-being. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to make your separation a little less tough on the kids. 

What You Can Do to Reduce the Stress of Divorce on Your Children 

Prepare to Tell Your Children About the Breakup 

Once you’ve made the decision to divorce, you must start planning how you’re going to give the news to the children. It won’t take too long before they start noticing things are different. You want to approach this conversation carefully—be honest, keeping their age and maturity level in mind, reassure them that they are loved, and emphasize that they aren’t to blame.                                 

Encourage Open Communication 

family lawyersMake sure your children know they can always communicate freely about what they’re feeling and ask you any questions they may have. Check in with them frequently to see how they’re doing. You may also want to consider having them talk to a professional. Sometimes it can be easier to get kids to open up to a therapist who can help them work through their various emotions. 

Present a United Front 

The more united you and your ex-spouse are when it comes to parenting, the easier the transition will be for the children. Do your best to keep their routine as normal as possible, and let your kids talk to the other parent whenever they want. Never speak negatively about the other parent in front of the children, and don’t place them in the middle by asking them to deliver messages for you. Family lawyers warn that this behavior is not only hurtful and confusing to children, but it can also be detrimental to a custody case. 


Even though it’s likely you’re dealing with your own stress from divorce, it’s essential to focus on the children and do what you can to help them properly cope with the situation. For further guidance on how best to support your kids during this trying time, contact the family lawyers at Goddard & Hammontree LLC. For years, they have provided the residents in and around Dalton, GA, with sound legal advice and effective representation. They will walk you through each stage of the divorce process and advocate on behalf of you and your kids. Call (706) 278-0464 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to learn more about each family lawyer’s legal background. 
