
Coffee is great for a quick pick-me-up in the morning; however, coffee is known to stain teeth, which greatly diminishes your smile over time. The following teeth cleaning tips are great for coffee drinkers who want to preserve their smiles while also enjoying their favorite beverage.

4 Ways You Can Prevent Coffee Stains

1. Rinse Thoroughly

After drinking your morning cup of coffee, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water to wash away residue. This is a great solution when out and about, as you won’t be able to easily brush your teeth. A swig of water can also help freshen your breath.

2. Practice Good Dental Care

Teeth CleaningFor the best results, brush twice a day for at least two minutes at a time. You should also floss at least once a day, which removes built-up plaque from between teeth. This will prevent staining after drinking coffee while also reducing your risk of tooth decay.

3. Get a Professional Teeth Cleaning

Along with proper at-home dental care, make sure you’re visiting a dentist for regular teeth cleanings. A dentist’s cleaning will scrub away stubborn surface stains using special tools, which can refresh your smile. Visiting your dentist at least twice a year will also keep you up-to-date on your oral health, which is crucial for fighting cavities and gum disease.

4. Don’t Sip

If you just can’t break your coffee habit, you can change the way you drink it. Drinking your coffee quickly instead of sipping throughout the day actually helps reduce staining. This will prevent stains from sticking to your teeth, which is more likely to occur when continuously drinking a cup throughout the day.  


Over the course of three decades, Brian W. Charles, DMD has instructed patients in McCall, ID, on the best methods for preventing teeth stains. Along with their routine screenings, they also offer many other services, including cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening. Because they want their patients to be at ease during their appointment, the whole staff strives to create a safe and welcoming environment for people of all ages. If you’d like to schedule a teeth cleaning at this trusted family dentist office, feel free to call (208) 634-7653 today. If you want more information on the complete listing of services, be sure to stop by the website.
